Tuesday, January 25, 2011

St. Paul-RO Errored in 15% of Disability Claims Processed, VAOIG No. 10-03604-75

VAOIG; Overall, VARO staff did not accurately process 17 (15 percent) of the 110 disability claims that we reviewed.

Inspection of the VA Regional Office St. Paul, MN

Report Number 10-03604-75, 1/25/2011 | Full Report (PDF)

The Benefits Inspection Division conducts onsite inspections at VA Regional Offices (VAROs) to review disability compensation claims processing and Veterans Service Center operations. The St. Paul VARO correctly processed herbicide exposure-related and traumatic brain injury disability claims. VARO management ensured Systematic Analyses of Operations were timely and complete. Generally, VARO staff correctly processed post-traumatic stress disorder disability claims and ensured timely processing of Notices of Disagreements for appealed claims. Additionally, VARO staff corrected errors identified by the Veterans Benefits Administration’s Systematic Technical Accuracy Review program and established correct dates of claim in the electronic record. VARO staff should emphasize the need to improve the control and accuracy of temporary 100 percent disability evaluations processing. Overall, VARO staff did not accurately process 17 (15 percent) of the 110 disability claims that we reviewed. Controls over mail handling as well as final competency determinations processing also needed strengthening. We recommended that St. Paul VARO management review all temporary 100 percent disability evaluations to determine if reevaluations are required and take appropriate actions. We recommended VARO management implement controls to ensure staff enter reminder notifications for temporary 100 percent disability reevaluations. We further recommended VARO management strengthen controls over mail handling procedures as well as improve the timeliness of final competency determinations processing. The Director of the St. Paul VARO concurred with all recommendations. Management’s planned actions are responsive and we will follow up as required on all actions.

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