Friday, June 5, 2009

Exposed Veterans Testing Positive Now Stands at 52

VA's June 1, 2009 data on veterans exposed to contaminated equipment, shows that 4 more veterans have tested positive since last week, the total now stands at 52.

As we grimly predicted last week, 4 more exposed veterans have tested positive.

Given these results and the facts that people can become positive many months following exposure, we hope that all exposed veterans continue to get regular testing for the next two years.

The break down by facility is below:
Murfreesboro GI Clinic
Hepatitis B - 6
Hepatitis C - 19
HIV - 1

Miami GI Clinic
Hepatitis B - 3
Hepatitis C - 8
HIV - 3

Augusta ENT Clinic
Hepatitis B - 3
Hepatitis C - 6
HIV - 2